Thursday 13 October 2016

6/10/16 Lesson overview

First thing in this lesson, as a group we talked about the empty space text and talked about the ideas behind the text, which was roughly about deadly theatre and what it is to Peter Brook. We then talked about what the text thought about good theatre and what we think good theatre is.
The next activity linked in with the text of Deadly Theatre, as these were quotes from the text scattered across the room. We were in pairs and we walked around the room reading the quotes and interpreting them, a couple of the texts were:
"Theatre is a self-destructive art, and it is written in the wind" I interpreted this quote by thinking that theatre evolves in time and something new is introduced as time goes by, either having a strong impact or small.
"Theatre has no exact space in society" In my pair we thought that there is no distinct group in society that all theatre fits with as in theatre different parts suit different people in small or big ways.

Based from this activity we all concluded that the texts point is that theatre would always be different due to the audience and theatre should be made to fit the or any audience.

We then watched other devised performances from groups that performed last year and another that was from an original divised theatre company which was Wooster and another ones from Burges which revolved its performances around books. Another video of a performance was one where a man was in a bath tub filled with cracked glass to the brim, where he would slowly remove the glass from the tub with his  hands over  course of an hour. From this performance we discussed whether we thought it was deadly theatre and personally I did not think so as this performance was new and original from anything I've seen before.

Lastly in lesson there were titles of members of group workers, that Alison Oddey noticed in every group, scattered around the room, again we were in pairs and we went around the room placing our partner where we thought a title of a group member best suited them. The variations of titles of members in a group were, for example the chair, the shaper, the plant, the objective, the practical organizer, the finisher and the team worker which was where my partner placed me by. The team worker has the qualities of making my group working together but they don't recognize me when I'm there till I'm gone.

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