Wednesday 5 October 2016

29/09/2016 Lesson overview

The night before this lesson we went to watch the new show 'Things that are known to be true' by and Australian theatre company, 'State Theatre Company', with collaboration with Frantic Assembly at the lyric Hammersmith. This started off our lesson with a discussion about what we thought about the show and what areas of the show we liked and disliked. The reason for this was because of the collaboration with Frantic Assembly, which we would be able to use some of the techniques this organisation uses in our Unit 3 exam, which leads to activities that we carried out in rest of the lesson.

First activity being 'Slalom' where in pairs we started off running to chairs that were in front of us, all in the same pace as our partners and swerving around the chairs at the same time too. Once this first level was done we started off the same but as when we came back we would need to link arms with our partners with a gap between us and run in time. Then to take it up a notch in the next round we had to shout 'go!' at the same time by the time we reached to our chairs, so that the next pair can run. However on our way back we would remain linked but the pair that was next after shouting go would need to run under the gap of our pairs linked arms and start the cycle from there. This activity showed and proved team work and ensemble even in pairs.

The next activity was called bodyguards, where we were in groups of three and two members of the group would walk behind a member until that member stopped and made it clear which direction they would lean so that the bodyguards can catch them. We then made a routine for each member with three leans and catches each, next adding a form of travel and different ways of positioning to make the routine more flowed and natural, more for presentation and maybe help with future transitioning.

Lastly the most physical was the lifts which were split  into two, first being 'Flying' which was where one person was lifted by the class with the support from two peoples shoulders for the main person to push their weight up and the rest of the class to use their hands to hold the persons legs for when they go up. But the person that's lifted need to have inner core strength to prevent a tip and to help the lift be more smooth and for it to go higher. Second lift was called 'calypo' where again one person was being lifted but on their back with two people as the support and the rest using their arm strength to hold up the persons legs in the air. Then once the lift feels comfortable by everyone, the group can move with the person in the air by walking around the room.

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