Sunday 9 October 2016

03/10/16 Lesson overview

In this lesson we were put into groups, I was in a group of three and in these groups we had to think of four signs to describe another person's features without speaking. We each assigned a person to use gestures to best explain them, for example a group member made a downwards quick swirl with both hands to show others she's showing my feature of curly hair. After we came up with four signs we shared them with each other in our groups, remembering each sign for each person, then combining all signs into a sequence. My groups sequence rotated, where the person being described is in the middle and a step forward than the other members, then when it was another person's turn we'd rotate and repeat.

Then we moved onto another activity called 'shift, around and by' where we were in pairs creating a sequence. In pairs we created a sequence by basing every move deciding whether we were going to shift a part of their body away or towards us or move around our partner or walk by them. Once we created a sequence we used an emotion to see how we could change it, for example if both of us in our pairs hated each other the sequence would be more rough and paced. We then used music to see how it would affect our sequence, in my pair we added a theme song from a vampire based film so I changed my physique to make it look like I wanted to kill my partner, making my movements sharp and quick in my sequence. We then saw other pairs sequences and chose different songs to see how it affected their sequence, which resulted in the same sequences giving off different moods and impressions each time.

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